Meet the Dancer Series: Melissa Lineburg

Meet Melissa!

Meliss joined Misako Ballet Company in 2011 and enjoys learning new choreography as well as traditional classical ballet variations.

Continue reading to learn more about her!

Astrological sign: Cancer

Favorite Food: Pineapple + Avocado

Favorite Color: M&M Green

Favorite Book: Catcher in the Rye

Favorite Movie: Beauty & the Beast (animated)

Favorite Band: It depends on my mood. This fall season is giving me 'The Killers' vibes.

If you were a dinosaur, what kind would you be? A T-Rex

Tell us about your dance background & training: I started dancing at 4 years old in my hometown and moved onto my pre-professional training when I was 13 at The Frederick School of Classical Ballet. I attended and graduated from Radford University with a BFA in Ballet Technique, and continue learning and training to this day! There's always something new to learn and/or a new or different way to think about and execute ballet technique. I find that, at times, really frustrating and other times really exciting.

What genre of dance is your favorite & why? It's really a toss up between classical ballet and contemporary ballet. I love to really move and explore all that my body is capable to in contemporary movement, yet I really just love wearing tutus and tiaras. :)

If you wear pointe shoes, what kind do you wear? I currently wear custom Freed Classics. I order these directly from Freed and my maker is B. I wear a deep vamp, 8X and add extra paste to the box. I also cut my shanks at about 2/3 (just over 1/2 and under 3/4) to help pronounce my arch.

What other jobs/activities/talents/passions do you pursue? I am in graduate school now studying for my Master's in Human Nutrition. I am in the process of organizing and building my own health + wellness/nutrition consulting business for dancers and athletes. I am also an avid yogi. I like to practice yoga as much as I can and I really enjoy teaching yoga as well.

Photo by jennifer lowe photography

Photo by jennifer lowe photography