Meet the Dancer Series: Jessica Markiewicz

Jessica has trained, danced, and performed along the East coast and currently teaching dance in Anne Arundel Country.

Continue reading to learn more about her!

Astrological Sign: on the cusp between Sagittarius and Capricorn

Favorite Food: macaroni and cheese

Favorite Color: yellow

Favorite Book: Harry Potter

Favorite Movie: Coco or Home Alone

Favorite Music/Artist/Band/Musical Genre: Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Cardi B

Favorite Place to Be: either at home, or exploring someplace new.

If you were a dinosaur, which dinosaur would you be? Ankylosaurus because it resembles a tank and my strong tail would serve as a mighty weapon.

Do you have any pets? If so, tell us about it/them! I have two cats- Zelda and Albus. Zelda is the sweetest angel baby and likes to nap in the sun and be brushed. Albus is cute but mischievous and likes to kill my house plants and knock things off the counter.

Tell us about your dance background and training: My early training was Cecchetti and Vaganova based, and in college I did a lot of Balanchine. But my personal goal is to be stylistically neutral in my technique.

What genre of dance is your favorite? Why? It depends on my mood, but I tend to like jazz or contemporary because I can just move, I don't have to go through my mental checklist of technique specifics.

What is your favorite full length ballet/variation/performance? Why? My favorite variations are Grand pas Classique, Flames of Paris, Diana and Acteon. My favorite full length ballets are Giselle and Swan Lake. My favorite choreographic works are In the Upper Room, In the Middle Somewhat Elevated, and Chroma.

When I think about what I like about these its that they are all almost opposites or polarities on the spectrum of ballet- super classical vs edgier contemporary, elegant vs flashy, narrative vs plotless.

Why do you dance? Because if I can mentally get over my shortcomings, its the best form of escapism I know.

If you wear pointe shoes, what kind do you wear? #teamgaynorminden

What other jobs/activities/talents/passions do you pursue? I like plants, knitting, volunteering in my neighborhood, birdwatching, yoga, playing vintage video/computer games, and I'm recently OBSESSED with tiktok. My life goal is to visit all 420 national park service units.
