Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students at Misako Dance studios in Howard County MD have been dancing virtually since March 30th, after we learned that schools would be closed beyond the initial two-week period in March. While the decision was not taken lightly, Misako Dance teachers and staff rallied around the idea, believing in the dance community they have fostered for the better part of 18 years and in their willingness to adapt to the unprecedented changes we have all been faced with. One teacher’s reactions embody our collective sentiment, “We are striking out and exploring brave new worlds. Coronavirus will bring a lot of change and challenges. With flexibility, we will develop new skills and thrive.”
Misako teaching a Zoom class at her studio
When Misako conducted her first class demo on Zoom, she was surprised at how well it worked and how much it lifted her spirits and those in her class. Reflecting upon it she says, “I ended up really enjoying the class and I could tell it was fun for the students who got to see each other for the first time in weeks. It was good to feel my body moving to music again and to see my students interacting with each other. We really missed each other! I love to teach dance and Zoom has given me another way to keep doing that.”
While understandably some parents have been forced to withdraw their kids from dance classes, most parents have responded positively to the sudden shift to virtual classes brought on by the pandemic. Overall, they are relieved that their kids can continue to practice their skills and participate in class.
“I just want to thank you for moving classes online. R’s dance classes are SO good for her, and I’m grateful she gets to see you, her teachers, and her classmates.”
“G loves the classes, so I’m glad it’s working out to provide some normalcy to her days!”
“I want to thank you for continuing to provide classes for your students despite the current challenges due to the COVID-19 outbreak. It shows the high level of commitment that you have always had to your students as they continue their study of dance.”
Zoom class session for adult ballet at Misako Ballet Studio
Undoubtedly there has been a learning curve and adjustments that have had to be made with the transition to online classes. A key challenge for students is getting comfortable with the new format and finding an area in their home where they can do class. We’ve encouraged our students to treat online dance class like in person dance class, dressing in their leotards and tights and styling their hair in a bun. The body has an amazing memory and in dance clothing, it will assume a dance posture. Regarding space concerns, we’ve recommended that ballet students find a counter or sturdy chair in lieu of a barre. And as long as they can turn a few paces in the space of their choosing in their home, it is sufficient. Luckily, we’ve also found that after getting over the technology hiccups and awkwardness of the first online class, students and teachers have adjusted quickly, and look forward to their classes in this new format.
Now in week two of virtual dance classes, teachers and students seem to be adjusting well. While using Zoom can’t help with the space problems that going virtual presents, it allows our teachers to encourage, support and connect with our students in a real way. In a time of social isolation this is invaluable blessing. Our interactions matter more now so a Zoom dance class may be is as good as it gets right now. In an article published by The Baltimore Sun on April 2nd titled: “Unbowed ‘Goddesses’ in Howard County renew their dancing together online,” Misako reveals: “I found that I can teach more details as if coaching each student … this is my strength…Yes, it is limited, especially for jumps and turns, but I can still see what they are doing through the screen and can point out corrections.”
To help ease the transition to online, Misako Dance shared a few tips with parents and students to help them prepare. Key tips include:
• Download the Zoom program for your PC or app for your phone. It is preferable to open the program on a PC with a larger screen so you can see clearly. If you have the capability in your home to project your PC onto a large screen TV this would be ideal.
• Please include the virtual dance classes on your schedule, just as if we were meeting in person.
• As much as you are able, please prepare a dedicated space for you/your child to dance in an area of the house where you have your laptop or TV set up. Consider that you/your child may be jumping and moving so prepare a space that will be safe for you/your child to do these activities.
• Please rearrange furniture/rugs in the dedicated space so no one falls or trips.
• You may need to have your laptop/TV about 4-6 feet away so we can see your full body.
• For children 3-8 years old, please ensure an adult is available to supervise when they are in virtual dance class.
• For ballet students needing a barre, a strong chair or counter can be a stand in.
• Students need to be dressed for virtual class just as if they were attending classes in person—leotard, tights, ballet shoes and bun.
• Put the Zoom link in your calendar so it’s right there where you can access it. It will be same every week.
Ever resourceful, Misako Dance studios has also launched a new one-on-one virtual ballet lesson for ballerinas 11 and older. We believe that perhaps now more than ever it is vital for us all to remain healthy and fit to keep the virus at bay. For dancers really committed to their talent, having a weekly schedule of personalized ballet lessons can offer them the structure, social interaction, health benefits and knowledge they need. Classes are $39 an hour, a steal compared to the $80 an hour and more of in-person personalized sessions. Classes will be for ballet only and taught by Misako herself. Register for virtual ballet here.
Ballerina participating in a Zoom one-on-one virtual class
We’re all forced to be learners now during this pandemic, adapting as necessary as we learn new information and having a flexible approach to our old ways of doing things. Most of our students can’t wait for the day we can re-open our studios. But in the meantime, we’re happy to have the privilege of technology to help us dance through the upheavals of this storm together.
Natalie Jobity
Marketing Manager
Misako Dance